I can’t believe that I actually found a swimsuit on line! Reviews were critically important and…just like people. In my case, I am 67, 5’6”, 141 lbs and I went with the medium. The suit fit beautifully through the chest and torso. The leg opening could be a bit tighter on the bum, but the skirt hides that. It’s not that the sizing is off…that is all on me…I have now moved to the flat butt stage of life so this cannot be blamed on the swimsuit. The top is very well made. The sides come up high to keep all the usual overhang inside the suit. The straps are wide and very comfortable as well as adjustable. The length of the skirt in the back is perfect to cover the lovely horizontal lines as the butt cheeks slide down the backs of your legs as you approach 70. The tie on the skirt is adjustable which is also nice. The fabric is super soft but supportive. All in all, this suit is very comfortable, presentable and most importantly…hangs on when carrying little grands and playing in the surf with the bigger grands. If you’re on the fence…order it…the best part is the free return and believe me, during this process I have returned many. This suit I have in two different colors. Happy shopping!